The oft denied "superhighway" that will connect China's "super-ports" (being constructed in Mexican waters) to run literally un-monitored from Mexico through the US to Canada is a reality.
Texas may be the first "leg" of the highway, but other portions of the Mexico to Canada freeway (literally) are not far behind .... Including the presence of un-regulated Mexican trucks and drivers -- with access to any and all US highways including direct rail connections across Mexican and Canadian borders.
Meanwhile, international companies continue to purchase US highways and accesses.
Here's a prime source of information: eagleforum and here's a map of the proposed North American Union superhighway connections
I don't endorse all policies and beliefs espoused by the EagleForum staff, but they are on-target with their concerns about the push toward a North American Union and the loss of American identity -- not to mention our security and welfare.
Visit the links at EagleForum, especially these: The SuperHighway and The China Connection -- follow those with the KC-China connection and be very afraid. Very afraid.
While this clandestine push toward integrating the US with Mexico and Canada is being funded primarily by corporate and international dollars -- our government (at the state and federal levels) are feigning ignorance while allowing agencies to approve construction projects and the buying and selling of America's infrastructure .... state by state and mile by mile -- by land and sea.