Saturday, July 21, 2007

Why Would Thompson Lie?

Beats me.

Why would a popular non-declared contender for the Presidency lie about his affiliation with an abortion-support group?

Beats me.

Flip-flopping (as it's called when done by others) is a constant source of contention among opponents.

But lying?

Not a good sign, Mr. Thompson.

Unless of course, you want to offer your own version of what "is" as opposed to what "was" and how it's not really a lie when you categorically deny what you did 16 years ago, qualifying it as totally unrelated to what now "is" -- especially when you subtract 16 from the number of times you haven't lied and then multiply that product by the number of times you have supposedly supported anti-abortion legislation, while factoring to the 3rd power the number of things you were paid to do as a lobbyist-lawyer as opposed to things you actually believe. Unlike what you might do as President, of course.

Makes sense to me. Uh huh.

Read the article:,0,54260.story?coll=la-home-center